Rainy Days and Wednesdays
It's one of those days....I felt like falling asleep yesterday and never getting up. I had a nice chat with my sis last evening and that's always fun :) But I ended up going to sleep rather late (by my standards). Oh well, 7 am happened today and we all know what that meant, hurry up and get to work! To add to the fun, I left my house at 7:50 and looked at my watch, it showed 7:25. Awesome, my watch is malfunctioning! Well, it's the last standing watch amongst those that work AND that have valid straps. Seems to be ticking now, let's see if it resurrects.
Well, I have some decent stuff to do at work, and things to wrap up before I leave to Boston. So...later!
Only thing rainy days remind me of is Mozhagaa Bajji (Translation:Green Pepper Thing!).
Starved we are.
Bajji sounds just perfect Krish! :( Especially on the beach....
Clarification folks, it did NOT rain in California yesterday or any time as far as I can remember. It's from the Carpenters' song "Rainy Days and Mondays". It goes like "Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.." and so on....
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