Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Thinking outward

One of our school teachers once told us, "Before you complain that you don't have a new pair of shoes, think about the man who has no feet". It meant a lot to me. Ever so often, we get so caught up in our lives - our work, our joys, our tears, you said that, I said this - that we forget how fortunate we are. The way I look at it, there are definitely at least a few million people less fortunate than me. And that is why I have absolutely no reason to complain. Easy to say, hard to do. When something affects us, it hits us in a way that hurts - maybe it is something you worked really hard for - but the key is to take in your stride and keep moving. There's a lot of work to be done. It is not always about the self, it is quite often about looking outward.

Keep smiling :)


Blogger Vinod said...

Thatreminds me of another saying, "I had no shoes. So, I pitied myself. Then I saw a man with no feet. So, I took his shoes."


June 21, 2005 at 11:30 PM  

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