Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Of Human Bondage

Two of my close friends are getting married!! Well, we all know it has to happen one day, but when they actually told me it was happening, I was psyched! To me, it is a HUGE (irreversible) decision and the speed with which they made their decisions continues to amaze me. One girl decided without even meeting the guy, and the other made up her mind in about 2 weeks!! As you may have guessed, both are "arranged marriages".

Without getting into an endless debate on the topic, I think arranged marriages have their pluses. Atleast, you don't have high expectations and tend to resign yourself to reality. I have seen lots of these marriages work. On the other hand, you have almost no idea about the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with!! A sobering thought. Well, I'll cross the bridge when I come to it.

Good luck to my buddies for a long and happy married life!! (Gosh, that sounds elderly and cliched!)

Other views? (Is anyone reading this at all?, hmm....I wonder)


Blogger kr!sh said...

Heyy Ruks

Kritika gave me the link.. nifty stuff u got in here

Anyways, abt ur post : "you don't have high expectations and tend to resign yourself to reality" ..Is it really a plus? Its a minus. I guess love should be the only factor that leads them to a wedlock. I hope..rather :-D

And I don't think arranged marriages are irreversible.

June 9, 2004 at 3:05 PM  
Blogger Rookie said...

Whoa! And I thought no one was reading this :-)

Hey Krish, how're you doing? Yeah, I agree that it should be done for the "right" reasons, but what I meant was lower the expectations, easier the adjustments. And I said irreversible 'coz that's ideally the way it should be I think. Hopefully, there won't be a reason to reverse it!

And offense, but paradox: I have no clue who you are...who are you?

June 9, 2004 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger Rookie said...

Well, the paradox is all explained now...! :-)

June 9, 2004 at 10:40 PM  

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